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Damascus Countryside: Arbin Locals Speak Out Against Fatah Al-Sham Violations

Eastern Ghouta residents warn key Islamist group against continued violations as possibility of unrest heightens
Damascus Countryside: Arbin Locals Speak Out Against Fatah Al-Sham Violations

Citizens and revolutionary groups from Arbin in Eastern Ghouta, Damascus countryside, issued a statement late last week expressing their discontent with the violations of Jabhat Fatah al-Sham rebel group, formerly known as Nusra Front.

The statement, which was signed by a number of local relief and security bodies, said that "after their long silence and patience about the violations of Nusra Front, the people and organizations of Arbin demand a stop to the interference in civilian’s issues and in their revolutionary and public institutions."

The signatories called for the release of all prisoners in Fatah al-Sham’s prisons, namely Hajj Khaled Abou Wahbi, the chairman of the neighborhoods committees in Arbin. They also stressed that the key rebel group would be held responsible for any social movement that might erupt as a result of the violations.

The statement added: "Mesbah Yassin, a Jabhat Fatah al-Sham commander, has become illegitimate after the latest violations including inciting arrests, spreading rumors and lies about the committees and institutions of Arbin city and using his soldiers to carry out his objectives."

Aladdin Kurdi, a media activist from the Damascus countryside, told ARA news that "a state of discontent and anger spread among the civilians and organizations in the city. The local committees sent many appeals to the leadership of Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham but there was no response. A social movement might start in the city if [the group] does not put an end to its members’ violations."

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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