
Corpses Fill the Streets of Aleppo

ISIS control al-Bab after fierce battles
Corpses Fill the Streets of Aleppo

Aks al-Ser has learned from informed sources that the city of al-Bab has witnessed violent battles between the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) and other rebel factions, with a notable advance by ISIS forces, who now control the area.


Field sources confirmed that ISIS has surrounded the city and tried to storm it simultaneously under the cover of regime air raids targeting the city center with explosive barrels, which led to many deaths and injuries.


The sources said the situation is tragic due to the heavy casualties sustained as a result of the fierce battles inside and on the outskirts of the city. They said corpses of victims are scattered on the streets.


The head of the Shariah commission of the Nusra Front in al-Bab, Abu Assid, said that “death is inevitable”.


The head of the Shariah commission with the Ahrar al-Sham brigade, Abu Yazan, and its emir, Abu Omair, both issued fatwas legitimizing the fight against ISIS.


The sources said the Nusra Front has withdrawn its forces from the Naqqarin region and headed to al-Bab, but that heavy regime fire on that front makes the advance difficult.


The latest news from battles in al-Bab city report that the Baghdadi organization (ISIS) took control over the mountain in the center of town, but no field source were able to  confirm the news yet.


Field sources said ISIS forces have taken complete control of the city of al-Bab and that the city is now silent after the violent battles. Sources also said that ISIS has a list of wanted people and that journalists top the list.


The same sources said that dozens of martyrs fell in the last hours of the battles.


Translated and edited by the Syrian Observer


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