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Boy Killed By Kurdish-led Forces During Break Up of Hassakeh Protest

14-year-old Bilal Mujhem al-Tallaa killed and two others injured after SDF forces shoot into crowd of protesters in town of Haul
Boy Killed By Kurdish-led Forces During Break Up of Hassakeh Protest

A teenager was killed and two others injured when Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SFD) attempted to disperse a crowd of protestors in the town of Haul, eastern countryside of Hassakeh, on Saturday.

Local man Mohamed al-Khatuni stated that Bilal Mujhem al-Tallaa, 14, was killed and two others injured when the forces shot into a crowd where a sit-in of 600 people were protesting against the SDF’s refusal to let residents return to their homes.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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