
Assad Regime Drops 1,438 Barrel Bombs in October: Monitor

At least 69 people killed in Syria in the month of October by regime barrel bombs, according to human rights monitor
Assad Regime Drops 1,438 Barrel Bombs in October: Monitor

The Syrian Network for Human Rights monitoring group has issued its monthly report documenting the number of incidents involving explosive barrels since Russia’s Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, declared regime forces had stopped their use of barrel bombs on opposition-held areas.

The report states regime forces dropped at least 1,438 barrel bombs during the month of October alone, with Damascus countryside governorate suffering from the greatest number of attacks (947). Daraa came second with 196 incidents, followed by Hama with 62.

Quneitra province witnessed at least 61 cases of barrel bombing, followed by Idleb with 54, Aleppo with 49, Homs with 39, Damascus with 26, and finally Lattakia with four.

The report noted the attacks had killed at least 69 people, including nine children and eight women. Of these, a total of 30 people, including six children and five women, were killed in Daraa, 12 people in Damascus countryside, five people in Aleppo, four people in Homs, three people in Hama, and three people in Damascus.

It is worth mentioning that in October, Russia rejected a draft UN Security Council resolution aimed at ending the use of barrel bombs in Syria. Russia argued the resolution would have a negative impact on the ongoing peace talks.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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