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A new pro-government caolition: dialogue the only way to end the Syrian crisis; the army is a red line

The National Current to Salvage Syria said in a statement issued at the conclusion of its founding conference on Thursday in Beirut that the coalition called for exposing the flagrant human rights violations by extremist groups in Syria and divulging the connection between the Doha Coalition and the terrorist al-Qaeda-linked groups, pointing to incontestable documents in this regard.
A new pro-government caolition: dialogue the only way to end the Syrian crisis; the army is a red line


Dialogue among the Syrians on the Syrian soil is the only way to solve the crisis and preserve Syria as a united country, a new Syrian coalition said Thursday.


The National Current to Salvage Syria said in a statement issued at the conclusion of its founding conference on Thursday in Beirut that the coalition called for exposing the flagrant human rights violations by extremist groups in Syria and divulging the connection between the Doha Coalition and the terrorist al-Qaeda-linked groups, pointing to incontestable documents in this regard.


The statement cited statements by the Doha Coalition members that unveiled their connection to al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra.


The statement deemed the Syrian Arab army a 'red line' which ensures the unity of the Syrian people and Syria's territorial integrity, calling for building a wide popular movement that discards extremism and terrorism.


The statement called for redrafting the social contract between all components of the Syrian society in a way that ensures the freedom of belief and thought to all.


The coalition stressed the importance of confronting foreign intervention that violates the Syrian sovereignty and embarking on a legal process against all those involved in the conspiracy against Syria.


The statement underlined necessity of exposing the attacks that targeted the Syrian riches and resources by extremists.


Head of the National Initiative of Syrian Kurds Omar Osi said that the aforementioned points constitute the platform of the Movement's national agenda.


During a press conference in Beirut, Osi said that Syria is fighting a global war that seeks to destroy the homeland rather than overthrow the regime, expressing regret over the destruction and gross human rights violations in Syria.


Osi explained that the coalition brings together civil society figures and organizations representing all spectra of the Syrian society who believe in a civil, secular and democratic Syria.






The new coalition comprises parties and figures that are connected with security agencies. Omar Ossi, is a pro-government Kurdish figure, who is rejected by the majority of the Kurdish political movement. Another leading member is Nabil Fayad, who has been supporting the regime against the Syrian revolution.


Observers believe that the new coalition is yet another step by pro-government political groups expecting a round of negotiation between the regime and the so-called opposition. Thus, the regime will be talking to itself and will reach results that support its presence.






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