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65 Killed and 209 Arrested in July

The SNHR report also recorded the arrest of 28 people by all armed opposition factions and the Syrian National Army, including a woman.
65 Killed and 209 Arrested in July

The Syrian Network for Human Rights documented the killing of 65 civilians and the arrest of 209 others in Syria during the past July, including 23 children and three women, by the parties to the conflict in Syria.

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According to a report by the network, the Syrian regime killed eight civilians, including two children, while Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) killed two civilians, the Democratic Syria Forces killed four civilians, including two children and a woman, and a child was killed by the international coalition forces, while 50 civilians, including 18 children and two women, were killed by other parties, including 12 children by Hezbollah.

The report pointed out that the percentage of victims in Daraa governorate amounted to 31% of the total death toll documented in July, which is the highest percentage among the governorates, where 18 victims were killed by various parties, followed by the occupied Golan with about 18%, followed by Aleppo governorate with about 15% of the total death toll.

The report also documented the killing of six people under torture in July, four of them by regime forces, two by HTS, and one medical staff killed by other parties.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights confirmed that one massacre took place last July at the hands of other parties, bringing the toll of massacres since the beginning of 2024 to ten.

During July, the report also documented at least eight incidents of attacks on vital civilian centers by the parties to the conflict and the forces controlling Syria, five of them by the Syrian regime forces, one by opposition factions, and two by other parties.

On the other hand, the Syrian Network for Human Rights documented at least 209 cases of arbitrary arrest, including 14 children and three women, during the past July. According to a report by Al-Shabaka, 17 of the detainees during July were returning from Lebanon before being arrested by the Syrian regime forces.

In addition, 157 of the detainees have turned into enforced disappearances, 106 of them detained by the regime forces, including a child and a woman, and there are 32 detainees held by HTS in control in Idlib, and 43 people by the Syrian Democratic Forces.

The report also recorded the arrest of 28 people by all armed opposition factions and the Syrian National Army, including a woman.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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