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Syrian-Russian Talks About Cooperation and Follow-up on Signed Agreements

Bashar al-Assad received Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov to discuss ties between the two countries, according to al-Watan.
Syrian-Russian Talks About Cooperation and Follow-up on Signed Agreements

On Tuesday, President Bashar al-Assad received Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov, who is leading a governmental and economic delegation visiting Syria.

Both sides affirmed that the dynamism characterizing the countries’ bilateral relations offers flexibility to continue expanding prospects for cooperation into the future

President Assad expressed his satisfaction that the two countries have reached an advanced stage of cooperation. He also expressed Syria’s interest in making Syrian-Russian joint investments a success, as they play a central role in maintaining and consolidating cooperation and mutual interests between the two friendly nations.

Assad stressed the importance of Syria continuously consulting and coordinating with its Russian ally, who helped the Syrians fight terrorism. Russian has also supported Syria politically and economically to restore security and stability, as well as to overcome the impacts of the economic terrorism imposed on the Syrian people.

For his part, Borisov congratulated President Assad on winning the presidential election, and the Syrian people on their success in filling the presidential post.

Borisov pointed out that widespread popular participation in the elections confirmed the willpower and determination of the Syrian people, despite the terrorism and siege they have suffered.

The Russian official affirmed that distinguished relations exist between Syria and Russia, asserting that Russia is always ready to support Syria by any means. Russia will provide such assistance to ease burdens resulting from the unjust economic sanctions imposed on Syria, while also participating in Syria’s reconstruction.

Borisov also said that Russia will supply additional batches of the COVID-19 vaccine to Syria.

Borisov also briefed President Assad on the summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and American President Joe Biden, especially about the Syrian issue. Borisov reiterated Russia’s principled stance, which is based on international legitimacy, following international law, respect for state sovereignty, and non-interference with any state’s internal affairs.

Discussion session

On Tuesday, official talks between Syria and Russia were chaired by Syrian Prime Minister Mansour Azzam and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov at Mansour’s office in Damascus.

During the session, they discussed expanding cooperation, ensuring the implementation of signed agreements, completing bilateral projects, and making appropriate preparations for the 13th session of the Syrian-Russian Joint Commission for Trade, Economic, Technical, and Scientific Cooperation. The talks also discussed difficulties to bilateral cooperation and finding solutions to those challenges.

The discussions covered topics related to economy, commerce, industry, agriculture, investment, customs, energy, shipping, railways, telecommunications, digital technologies, and medical products. They also featured efforts to facilitate access of Russian goods to the Syrian market and building the right environment for development and economic projects, capable of supporting the Syrian economy.

Borisov stressed that Russia continues to support Syria in all areas, especially reconstruction, rehabilitation of energy and electricity infrastructure, increasing production capacity, and pursuing all measures that can support the Syrian economy.

Prime Minister Azzam stressed that the Syrian government is working to strengthen and consolidate strategic cooperation with the Russian Federation and do everything possible to implement bilateral agreements and vital joint projects, expand economic cooperation, increase the volume of bilateral trade, and encourage mutual investment.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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