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Syria Announces “Technology City” Amid Economic Collapse and Internet Suppression

Past projects, like the failed 2018 promise of a Syrian satellite, underscore the gap between rhetoric and reality, al-Modon notes.
Syria Announces “Technology City” Amid Economic Collapse and Internet Suppression

The Syrian regime has announced plans to build a “Technology City” in Al-Dimas, near Damascus, sparking skepticism due to the country’s ongoing economic collapse and history of hostility toward technological advancement. Communications Minister Iyad al-Khatib made the announcement during an entrepreneurial forum, likening the project to similar initiatives in the Gulf states. However, critics highlight Syria’s severe infrastructure deficiencies, including widespread poverty, food insecurity, and daily power outages, as major obstacles.

Despite promises of a digital transformation by 2030, the regime’s track record suggests otherwise. Past projects, like the failed 2018 promise of a Syrian satellite, underscore the gap between rhetoric and reality. The Syrian regime’s control over the internet, characterized by censorship and high costs, further complicates the vision of a tech-driven future. 

Observers note that the regime’s digital initiatives, often linked to the ruling family, serve more as tools of control than genuine efforts to modernize. With Syria’s economy in freefall and basic services barely functioning, the ambitious Technology City project appears more like an extension of the regime’s propaganda than a viable plan for development.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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