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New Statistics Estimate Over 230,000 Dead

The approximate number of missing persons is over 99,440
New Statistics Estimate Over 230,000 Dead

The Department of Statistics with the Democratic Republic Studies Center has issued a detailed report on the deaths since the outbreak of the Syrian revolution over 38.5 months, or 1,173 days, or 28,152 hours.


The center said several important institutions provided information for the report, including The Database of Syrian Revolution Martyrs, which depends on a number of sources like the Committee of Syrian Revolution Martyrs and the Local Coordination Committees, The Syrian Center for Statistics and Research, Syrian Human Rights Violations Center, Damascus Centre for Human Rights Studies and the Syrian Human Rights Center. These organizations publish statistics on the number of martyrs and detainees daily, and in some cases, they publish information about the wounded, missing, displaced people and refugees. Some of these centers publish also monthly and yearly reports, in addition to special statistical reports.


The number of martyrs fully documented until now is: 118,863 martyrs, including 2,250 Palestinians, 12,310 children, 11,475 women and 6,495 martyrs under torture.


– The estimated number of real martyrs is 230,000, 80% of them civilians, including 2,400 Palestinians, 15,000 children, 14,000 women, and 18,500 martyrs under torture, (including the number contained in leaked photographs)


– The approximate number of wounded is over 187,370


– The approximate number of detainees is above 258,260 (including the prisoners released)


– The approximate number of missing persons is over 99,440


– The number of refugees outside Syria is over 3,566,740


– The number of people displaced within Syria is over 7,650,000


– The total number of victims of violence is over 11,880,673, including martyrs, wounded, prisoners, missing persons, refugees and displaced people


– The number of family members affected by the conflict is 60% of the population of Syrian people, or 15,627,402 (including the families of the martyrs, the families of the wounded, the families of the detainees, the families of missing persons, refugees and displaced people)


– The number of families without a breadwinner is about 124,000 families,or  868,000 people


– The estimated total number of martyrs, according to the number of detainees and missing persons exceeds 230,000 martyrs




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