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Joint Arab Liaison Cell for Combating Drugs Including Egypt

Egypt has officially joined the Joint Arab Liaison Cell, an alliance comprising Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, pro-government Athr Press reported
Joint Arab Liaison Cell for Combating Drugs Including Egypt

Egypt has officially joined the Joint Arab Liaison Cell, an alliance comprising Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, to combat the proliferation of drugs in the region. Egyptian Interior Minister Mahmoud Tawfik expressed his country’s commitment to participating in the collaborative efforts of the liaison cell during a meeting with his Jordanian counterpart, Mazen al-Farrayeh, in Tunis. This announcement follows the formation of the joint Arab liaison cell on February 17, which resulted from a gathering of interior ministers from the four nations in Amman, as reported by the Jordanian agency Ammon.

Farrayeh conveyed the significance of Egypt’s involvement in the cooperative initiative, emphasizing its role in ensuring security and societal stability across the region. Additionally, discussions during the meeting highlighted the establishment of a communication mechanism to facilitate the exchange of information and monitor drug shipments, underscoring the importance of coordination and shared expertise in combatting drug trafficking.

Furthermore, Farrayeh briefed his Saudi counterpart, Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Nayef al-Saoud, on the outcomes of the Amman meeting and the agreement to establish a communication cell among the participating countries. The Saudi minister expressed keen interest in the collaboration and affirmed his country’s readiness to enhance cooperation in drug control efforts.

Recent drug seizures, including a significant interception of Captagon pills in a refrigerator truck crossing from Syrian territory towards Iraq on February 25, underscore the urgency of coordinated action. Aleppo customs also confiscated a shipment of narcotic pills destined for eastern Syria on February 22. These incidents highlight the persistent challenges posed by drug smuggling in the region.

Moreover, efforts to combat drug smuggling have extended to bilateral cooperation, as evidenced by the inaugural meeting of the Jordanian-Syrian Committee in Amman on July 23. This committee, established in line with the outcomes of a consultative meeting in May 2023, aims to enhance collaboration in combating drug trafficking across the Syrian-Jordanian border.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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