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Damascus Engages with Baghdad on Collaborative Strategies Against Drought and Climate Challenges

Prime Minister Arnous emphasized the Syrian government's commitment to working on joint initiatives with Iraq.
Damascus Engages with Baghdad on Collaborative Strategies Against Drought and Climate Challenges

On Saturday in Damascus, discussions were held between Prime Minister Hussein Arnous of Syria and Aoun Diab Abdullah, Iraq’s Minister of Water Resources, focusing on strengthening their collaboration to tackle drought and the impacts of climate change effectively.

Prime Minister Arnous emphasized the Syrian government’s commitment to working on joint initiatives with Iraq, particularly in the areas of water management and the application of advanced technologies to mitigate the effects of water scarcity caused by prolonged periods of drought and insufficient rainfall in recent years.

Minister Abdullah, on behalf of Iraq, conveyed his country’s willingness to share knowledge and enhance cooperative efforts with Syria to address these environmental challenges, aiming to benefit both nations mutually.

The officials highlighted the importance of adhering to international treaties regarding dam construction and the equitable distribution of waters from international rivers among countries located along their upstream and downstream, underscoring the significance of international cooperation in these matters.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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