
New Chairman of the Security Committee in Daraa, Ending Luqa’s Role

The Syrian regime removed Major General Hossam Luqa from his duties as head of the Daraa security committee, and appointed Major General Mufeed Abdel Karim instead, Enab Baladi writes.
New Chairman of the Security Committee in Daraa, Ending Luqa’s Role
New Chairman of the Security Committee in Daraa, Ending Luqa’s Role

After the security committee approached the end of its missions in Daraa governorate in southern Syria, the Syrian regime removed Major General Hossam Luqa from his duties and appointed Major General Mufeed Abdel Karim, the commander of the “Fifth Division,” as the head of the committee, according to what Enab Baladi’s correspondent reported in Governorate.

His appointment comes after the Security Committee, led by Luqa, was able to withdraw thousands of light weapons pieces, starting from Daraa al-Balad to the western countryside of Daraa and then the northern and eastern countryside of Daraa.

During the settlements, Luqa adopted a policy of threatening to bombard people so that they do not object, according to what a former leader of the opposition forces, who was present during the settlement agreement in the town of Yadoudeh, told Enab Baladi.

According to Enab Baladi’s correspondent in the region, the new chairman of the Security Committee, Mufeed Abdel Karim, does not carry security weight and importance such as Luqa. Information about him is still scarce.

Read Also: Daraa: Why the Regime Excluded Eighth Brigade Stronghold From Settlements

Sama channel, which is close to the regime, reported on Tuesday that the settlement issue has ended in Daraa Governorate after continuous work that lasted for more than two months.

“During the settlement process, the status of about 14,000 people, including 10,000 civilians and 4,000 soldiers, were settled and thousands of weapons were handed over,” the head of the settlement committee told the channel.

The end of Hossam Luqa’s role

A former leader of the opposition factions confirmed, in an interview with Enab Baladi, the transfer of Major General Luqa after the completion of his mission to withdraw weapons, in which he succeeded.

According to the leader (who requested not to be named for security reasons), Luqa played a prominent role in the settlements as he “was distinguished by his toughness and unity in the discussion, and he would turn all the people’s suggestions from complaints and poor services into an argument for withdrawing weapons. He constantly repeated these words.”

The leader added that after resolving Daraa al-Balad’s issue, which was the strongest link in the hands of those who reject the authority of the Syrian regime, Luqa benefited from the collapse of the morale of former fighters in the opposition and the morale of the population. He began to exert moral pressure threatened by a similar scenario in the rest of the governorate.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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