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Israeli Attack Targets Advanced Weapons Near Damascus

Among those deceased was an officer named Issa Taha Hammoud, holding the rank of "major", according to al-Modon.
Israeli Attack Targets Advanced Weapons Near Damascus

The Alma Center, a Hebrew organization, reported that an Israeli attack took place on Monday at dawn, targeting warehouses in the vicinity of Mneen, situated along the road between al-Tal and Sednayah, to the north of the Syrian capital, Damascus.

According to the Israeli Research and Intelligence Center, the assault resulted in the death of four military personnel from the regime’s air defence units on Mount Qasioun. Rockets were launched in an attempt to intercept the Israeli attack.

Israeli Strike Kills Four

Among those deceased was an officer named Issa Taha Hammoud, holding the rank of “major.” It was noted, however, that Hammoud was not attired in the uniform typically associated with regime air defence units; instead, he was linked to artillery and rocket forces. This peculiar presence raised questions about the targeted munitions. It was suggested that the attack might have been directed at advanced weaponry designated for regime forces, the Iranian Axis, or Hezbollah.

PCHR (Palestinian Centre for Human Rights) expressed uncertainty regarding whether the attack was aimed at a site affiliated with regime forces or the Shiite Axis. The suspicious presence of Hammoud at the scene prompted speculation. Israel generally refrains from targeting regime force sites unless they serve as infrastructure for Iranian weaponry or the activities of the Shiite axis, such as the Fourth Division or the Imam Hussein militia.

In the early hours of Monday, a series of Israeli airstrikes resulted in the deaths of four Syrian military personnel and two fighters associated with pro-Iranian factions, as reported by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

This observatory highlighted that the Israeli raids were focused on military installations and storage facilities where pro-Iranian combatants were stationed, located near Damascus military airport. Similar strikes took place in the vicinity of Dimas airport and the surrounding area of al-Kiswah in the southwestern outskirts of the capital.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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