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New Decisions Deny Passport to Category of Syrians

Updated instructions specifically exclude defectors from the army, security services, Ministry of Interior, and government employees who departed Syria without security clearance from obtaining passports, according to Sawt al-Asima.
New Decisions Deny Passport to Category of Syrians

The National Security Bureau (NSB), Syria’s highest security authority, has issued new directives to the Ministry of Interior, rescinding all prior circulars and decisions aimed at facilitating passport issuance for individuals outside Syria, regardless of their judicial and security standing.

According to confidential sources speaking to Sawt al-Asima, the updated instructions specifically exclude defectors from the army, security services, Ministry of Interior, and government employees who departed Syria without security clearance from obtaining passports via embassies, consulates abroad, or even through domestic immigration departments facilitated by their families or associates.

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These directives explicitly prohibit the issuance of passports for this category starting in early June, reversing previous allowances granted by the Syrian regime. Any security clearances sought by defectors or fugitives, whether domestically or internationally, necessary for passport issuance, will be summarily denied, with all exemptions and facilitations for them suspended.

The regime reportedly maintains extensive lists of thousands who defected from military and security ranks or left government posts and the country illegally. Passport issuance for these individuals is now confined to resolving security matters within Syria and adjusting their legal status.

Syrians residing abroad require passports for mobility, residency renewal, and engagement with immigration and relevant authorities for citizenship processes. Obtaining a Syrian passport overseas carries a hefty price tag exceeding $1,000 USD for expedited processing, with routine issuance often entailing months-long waits.

In early May, the Immigration and Passports Department issued a circular, notably revoking recruitment divisions’ authority for passport issuance. This move coincided with a surge in demand at immigration departments, driven by Syrians seeking to navigate the country’s challenging economic and security landscape.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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