
Two Human Rights Centers Call on International Community to Expand Aid to Palestinian Refugees in N. Syria

20 Palestinian refugees in Turkey and 48 others in Syria died as a result of the earthquake, according to Shaam News.
Two Human Rights Centers Call on International Community to Expand Aid to Palestinian Refugees in N. Syria

Following the devastating earthquake that struck northern Syria in February, the Palestinian Return Center and the Action Group for Palestinians of Syria have appealed to the international community and United Nations bodies to increase their aid efforts for Palestinian refugees in the region urgently needing assistance.

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In a discussion session with the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Syria, held under the fourth item of the Human Rights Council’s agenda, the Palestinian Return Center and the Action Group for Palestinians of Syria presented information regarding the over 1,500 Palestinian families currently residing in northwest Syria. These families were displaced to the region after the internal Syrian conflict that began in 2011.

The Working Group highlighted that the recent earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria has resulted in the loss of 20 Palestinian refugees in Turkey and 48 others in Syria. The earthquake affected thousands of Palestinians living in the two neighbouring countries, leaving many homeless and in urgent need of necessities such as housing, medical assistance, food, and heating. The situation is critical, and immediate assistance is required to save lives.

The two organizations highlighted that the humanitarian response in northern Syria following the earthquake has been inadequate compared to the scale of the disaster. Despite the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) launching an appeal for $2.7 million to support Palestinian refugees affected by the earthquake, the agency’s services excluding displaced Palestinians in northern Syria.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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