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Syria Strongly Condemns US Decision To Add Cuba Back To List of States Sponsoring Terrorism

Syria has condemned the US for putting Cuba on the list of states that sponsor terrorism and insisted that it can face US schemes writes SANA.
Syria Strongly Condemns US Decision To Add Cuba Back To List of States Sponsoring Terrorism

Syria has strongly condemned the unfair decision to put Cuba back on the list of states that sponsor terrorism, renewing its solidarity with the Cuban friendly leadership and people, and confidence in its capability to foil the decision of the US regime, which has proven that it sponsors and supports terrorism in serving of its political agendas.

An official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry told SANA in a statement on Wednesday that the Syrian Arab Republic strongly condemns the unfair US decision.

The source added that the US decision shows again the US administration’s blunder and loss of credibility in recent days, after its ignorance and non-commitment to a number of international conventions and charters, as well as the decisions of the former US administrations. 

The American approach of imposing sanctions on the countries who defend their sovereignty and national dignity, which don’t match with US policy and, with the aim of subjugating them to the US hegemony is doomed to failure in the face of the will of the free peoples and will lead to escalating tensions in the international arena, the source pointed out. 

The source concluded by saying that Syria reiterates its full solidarity with the friendly Cuban leadership and people, expressing confidence that the Cuban revolution, which has resisted the unfair US blockade for more than a half century, is able to confront and foil the decisions of the American regime, which has proven that it sponsors and supports terrorism in serving of its political agendas.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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