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Qatar’s Emir Criticises Failure to Hold ‘War Criminals’ Accountable in Syria

Emir Sheikh Tamim said it was worrying that some are trying to turn the page of the Syrian crisis, according to Zaman al-Wasl.
Qatar’s Emir Criticises Failure to Hold ‘War Criminals’ Accountable in Syria

Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim on Tuesday criticized the global failure to hold “war criminals” in Syria accountable for their crimes.

At the 77th UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, he said: “The international community wasn’t able to hold war criminals in Syria accountable.”

“What’s even more disappointing is that some are trying to turn the page of the Syrian crisis, ignoring the significant sacrifices made by the blighted Syrian people.”

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Syria has been engaged in a civil war since 2011. The UN’s latest figures estimate that more than 306,000 civilians have been killed, and almost seven million have fled the country during the 10-year period.

“The Syrian crisis has taught us a very important lesson about what can happen when the international community lacks a long-term vision in dealing with the suffering of people from … destitution and civil wars,” Sheikh Tamim said.

“Soon enough, accompanying phenomena such as the refugee issues become the problems that we actually have to focus on.”

He commended nations that have taken in refugees from Syria but stressed the importance of addressing “the reasons for crisis before having to deal with the repercussions of the crisis.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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