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Opposition Figures Raise Questions with Remarkable Visit to Qatar

On Sunday, Syrian opposition figures arrived in Doha, in an "official visit" in which they met Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman al-Thani, according to al-Souria Net.
Qatar Opposition
Opposition Figures Raise Questions with Remarkable Visit to Qatar

On Sunday, Syrian opposition figures arrived in Doha. This development raised many questions, especially in light of reports that moves are being made to adapt to recent changes in the Syrian issue. 

Among the figures in attendance were Salem al-Meslet, president of the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), and Anas al-Abda, the head of the Syrian Negotiating Authority. Also present was Ahmed al-Jarba, the leader of the Peace and Freedom Front.

Upon their arrival, the opposition figures met separately with Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman al-Thani. 

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The Qatari newspaper al-Arab reported that, during his meetings, the foreign minister stressed Qatar’s position, namely: “that the solution to the Syrian crisis should be a political solution in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254.” 

Thani also stressed the importance of a comprehensive ceasefire, which will facilitate humanitarian aid delivery to Syria. 

For its part, the SNC said in a statement that Meslet and Abda’s visit is “official”. 

“SNC President Meslet begins an official visit to Doha, Qatar, accompanied by the head of the negotiating body, Abda,” the statement said. 

The statement, made on Sunday, added: “The SNC’s president began his visit by meeting the charge d’affaires at the Syrian Embassy in Qatar, Bilal Tourkiya, and inspecting the embassy’s work and services.” 

So far, it remains unknown why the Syrian opposition figures have arrived in Doha. 

However, media sources indicated in the past few hours that the visit forms part of state-level discussions concerning the difficulty of the Syrian issue, along with the fragmentation of the Syrian opposition. 

It is scheduled for these discussions’ outcomes to be presented at the seminar, called for weeks ago, by former Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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