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Jordan: Future of Syrian Refugees is in Their Country

Safadi highlighted "the difficulties confronted by Jordan as a host nation for Syrian refugees," according to al-Modon.
Jordan: Future of Syrian Refugees is in Their Country

The Jordanian Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi, held discussions with Martin Griffiths, the United Nations Humanitarian Commissioner, in Amman on Sunday, regarding the situation of Syrian refugees in the Kingdom. Safadi emphasized that it is crucial for the refugees to have a future in their own country.

According to a statement from the Jordanian Foreign Ministry, Safadi and the UN official deliberated on the establishment of favourable conditions and a conducive environment for the voluntary repatriation of Syrian refugees to Syria.

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The statement further highlighted that during the meeting, the Jordanian minister reiterated the necessity of taking practical measures to create an enabling environment for the refugees’ return, emphasizing that their future lies in their home country.

Safadi also emphasized the significance of enhancing cooperation between Jordan and the United Nations to address the needs of refugees and facilitate a voluntary and secure return to Syria.

Jordan is currently hosting approximately 650,000 Syrian refugees, as documented by the United Nations. The country estimates that since the onset of the Syrian conflict in 2011, around 1.3 million Syrians have sought refuge within its borders.

The statement mentioned that Safadi provided Griffiths with an update on “the ongoing endeavours under the Arab political track to attain a comprehensive political resolution to the Syrian crisis, encompassing its humanitarian, security, and political ramifications.”

In the course of the meeting, Safadi highlighted “the difficulties confronted by Jordan as a host nation for Syrian refugees.”

He emphasized that “the obligation of granting asylum extends beyond the host countries and constitutes an international responsibility. Ensuring the well-being of refugees until their repatriation to their home country is not only a humanitarian imperative but also a regional and global security imperative.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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