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Coalition: Presidential Election Illegal, People’s Revolution Continues

Coalition says nine million refugees and displaced people inside and outside Syria were ignored in the election
Coalition: Presidential Election Illegal, People’s Revolution Continues

The Syrian National Coalition considers the presidential election "illegal" and "does not represent the Syrian people who will continue the revolution until it achieves its goals of freedom, justice and democracy in the country," it said in a statement.


"Assad's regime has finished yesterday the last chapter of the comic play by declaring the victory of the criminal Bashar in the elections boycotted by most Syrians. While students and employees were forced to participate under threat and intimidation, nine million refugees and displaced people inside and outside Syria were ignored."


"The Syrian National Coalition stresses that these elections are illegitimate and do not represent the Syrian people. These elections show the importance of increasing the support for the opposition to change the balance of forces on the ground and force the regime to accept the international conventions that form the basis for a political solution in Syria, especially the statement of Geneva. People will continue the revolution until it achieves its goals of freedom, justice and democracy", the Coalition said in the statement released on Thursday.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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