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Syria Calls on the US to Cease Destructive Regional Policies

Damascus strongly condemned the United States for using baseless justifications for its recent military actions in Syrian territories, according to al-Baath.
Syria Calls on the US to Cease Destructive Regional Policies

 Ambassador Qussai al-Dahhak, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, strongly condemned the United States for using baseless justifications for its recent military actions in Syrian territories, stating that these actions are designed to shield US-backed forces, including terrorist and separatist groups.

In a special Security Council session called by Russia to discuss threats to global peace and security, al-Dahhak emphasized that such US aggression will not hinder Syria’s resolve to reclaim its territory from unauthorized foreign military presence, combat terrorism, and reinstate state sovereignty.

Al-Dahhak criticized the US for committing acts that not only endanger regional and international peace but also contravene international and humanitarian laws, along with United Nations principles. He reported that the US’ military strikes in Syria resulted in the death of 37 individuals, both military and civilians, injured 34, and led to widespread destruction, including residential areas, a school, vehicles, and historical landmarks like al-Rahba Castle.

The ambassador accused the US administration of using deceptive pretexts and distorted interpretations of the United Nations Charter, particularly Article 51, to justify its assaults, thereby violating the principle that occupiers do not have the right to self-defence.

He attributed the ongoing conflict and instability in the region to the US’s misguided policies and unconditional support for Israel, highlighting the grave impact on the Palestinian people.

Dahhak expressed regret over the US’s history of undermining the Security Council’s effectiveness in fulfilling its primary role of maintaining global peace and security. He reaffirmed Syria’s commitment to liberating its territory, eradicating terrorism, restoring state authority and the rule of law, and ensuring the safety and welfare of its people.

In conclusion, al-Dahhak called on the United States to abandon its harmful regional policies, withdraw its military forces from Syria, and cease its support for terrorism and separatism. He urged the US to end its coercive measures and exploitation of Syria’s resources, which have significantly harmed the Syrian population.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.


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