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Israeli Raid Near Damascus

The Israeli airstrike specifically targeted a farm situated in the Sayeda Zeinab area of the Damascus countryside, according to Athr Press.

On Sunday, the Israeli military conducted an airstrike, marking the second such incident in December, targeting areas on the outskirts of the capital, Damascus.

“At approximately 23:05 on Sunday, the Israeli forces executed an aerial assault originating from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, focusing on specific locations near Damascus,” stated the Ministry of Defense.

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The statement further reported that the air defence forces promptly responded to the missile aggression, successfully intercepting and neutralizing some of the incoming projectiles. Fortunately, the resulting damages were confined to materials.

According to a source from the Damascus countryside fire brigade, the Israeli airstrike specifically targeted a farm situated in the Sayeda Zeinab area of the Damascus countryside.

Russia condemns 

The Russian Foreign Ministry has consistently emphasized the perilous repercussions of these targeted actions, warning that they could escalate tensions in the region. Alexander Yefimov, the Russian president’s envoy to Syria, went on record describing these airstrikes as “irresponsible.”

In an interview with the Syrian newspaper Al-Watan on Saturday, Yefimov reiterated Russia’s stance, stating, “In our view, the situation is crystal clear; these airstrikes blatantly violate international law and the sovereignty of Syria. We unequivocally reject these actions, recognizing the imminent threat they pose to the civilian population.”

Yefimov further addressed the ongoing Syrian-Turkish rapprochement, underscoring its significance in the broader context of regional stability. He remarked, “We continue to view the restoration of relations between Damascus and Ankara as a crucial element in the Syrian settlement. We are convinced that the renewal of amicable relations, grounded in respect for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, will not only positively impact the Syrian situation but also contribute to the overall improvement of the regional landscape.”

Highlighting the diplomatic efforts, Yefimov acknowledged the 2022 and 2023 Syrian-Turkish meetings. He explained that the heightened tensions in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone during this period diverted attention from other critical issues in the Middle East temporarily. However, he expressed optimism that, once circumstances permit, efforts will resume to bridge the gap between Damascus and Ankara.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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