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Foreign Ministry: New Aggression on Syria Demonstrates Israel’s Desire to Expand Regional Conflict

The Ministry reiterated that the recent aggression underscores Israel's aggressive expansionism, according to al-Baath.
Foreign Ministry: New Aggression on Syria Demonstrates Israel’s Desire to Expand Regional Conflict

Syria firmly asserts that the recent aggression on Syrian territory underscores Israel’s intent to escalate the ongoing conflict against innocent civilians in the region. This aggression reflects Israeli expansionist ambitions, characterized by a pursuit to establish what is referred to as “Greater Israel” while actively obstructing any international initiatives aimed at ending the Zionist occupation of Arab lands.

Foreign Ministry: Israel’s Persistent Aggressions Indicate Its Defeat

In a statement, the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry condemned the Israeli occupation forces for perpetuating their policies of aggression and committing massacres in Palestine. This marks the fourth such aggression in the past ten days, with the latest incident targeting military installations in the Daraa countryside. Tragically, this attack resulted in the loss of 8 soldiers’ lives and the injury of 7 others. Additionally, there was another attack on Aleppo International Airport.

The Ministry emphasized that Israel’s insatiable thirst for Palestinian and Syrian blood persists, despite its already having claimed the lives of over 6,500 Palestinians, including nearly 3,000 children. Israel’s appetite for destruction extends to Palestinian homes and infrastructure in the besieged Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

In conclusion, the Ministry reiterated that the recent aggression underscores Israel’s aggressive expansionism and its deliberate efforts to thwart any international endeavors aimed at ending the Zionist occupation of Arab territories.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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