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National Army Member Killed in SDF Infiltration Operation, East of Aleppo

Two other members sustained injuries as a result of the operation, according to Zaman al-Wasl.
National Army Member Killed in SDF Infiltration Operation, East of Aleppo

On Monday night, members of the Syrian National Army (SNA) suffered casualties during an infiltration operation carried out by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) along the Rabat lines in the Euphrates Shield area within the eastern countryside of Aleppo, northern Syria.

According to reliable sources, Abdul Rahman, a young individual serving within the Second Corps factions operating under the umbrella of the SNA,  lost his life on that Monday night. Additionally, two other members sustained injuries due to the incursion of SDF units into the vicinity of the village of al-Jatal in the city of al-Bab, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Euphrates Shield area.

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These sources have confirmed that the SDF forces withdrew approximately an hour after their infiltration attempt when they came under effective fire from the Second Corps factions, primarily employing medium machine guns, failing to make any substantial advancements.

Notably, the previous Monday witnessed a tragic incident where 12 members of the Second Corps factions, operating under the banner of the SNA, met their demise. Additionally, at least 10 other members were wounded as a result of an infiltration operation carried out by SDF forces against military positions along the axis of the town of Abla in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.  

SDF drones kill civilians 

On Monday, an incident unfolded in the eastern countryside of the Deir-ez-Zor governorate, eastern Syria, resulting in the loss of lives and injuries to more than 15 civilians, the majority of whom were women and children. Drones operated by the SDF were responsible for targeting several civilian residences.

According to local sources cited by Zaman al-Wsl, at least 10 civilians, most of whom were children, suffered moderate to severe injuries on Monday due to drone strikes that struck over four residential homes in the town of Dhiban in the eastern region of Deir ez-Zor governorate. Among the injured individuals are the following: Yasmine Sharbi al-Ayed, Abdullah al-Muhammad, Rasha Hamed al-Wawi, Muhammad al-Nasser, Farhan al-Kamal al-Mashout, Fadi Salim al-Muhatir (a child), Reda Salim al-Mahtir, Hanouf Rajab al-Hussein, Bashar Sabah al-Ayed, and one woman.

Arrest campaign in Deir ez-Zor 

The Syrian Network for Human Rights has reported that on September 24, 2023, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia conducted a raid and arrest operation in the city of al-Shuhail in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor Governorate.

According to the network’s documentation, the SDF militia apprehended four civilians during this operation, which included two children. Shockingly, the militia failed to notify the families of these individuals about their arrests. Furthermore, their phones were confiscated, depriving them of any means of communication with their loved ones.

The human rights network has expressed grave concerns regarding the fate of these detainees. They fear that these individuals may face the harrowing possibility of torture and join the ranks of the forcibly disappeared, a fate suffered by an alarming 85% of all detainees.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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