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Denmark Withdraws its Forces from Syria

Denmark says it needs to redeploy its troops away from Syria as the danger from ISIS has receded, Syria TV reports
Denmark Withdraws its Forces from Syria

Denmark has withdrawn its forces from the fight against the Islamic State (IS) as a result of changed needs and priorities. The decision to pull out of the American-led “Operation Inherent Resolve” is partly due to the reduced size of IS and the need to rebuild combat power for immediate threats.

Danish specialists in airspace surveillance and air operations management have been involved in the fight against IS since 2016.

The contribution of the Danish forces has varied in size and composition over the seven years it has been deployed. The Danish radars covered a gap in monitoring Iraqi airspace from the Al Asad Air Base in Iraq from 2016 to 2019. Operators were also deployed to the United Arab Emirates, where they were involved in the management and control of the coalition’s intensive air operations in the region. In 2017, Danish control and warning operators were integrated into the American unit KINGPIN. As a result of technological developments, in 2021, the majority of the unit’s operators moved from a Middle Eastern base to SHAW Air Force Base in South Carolina. Danish soldiers are still deployed to Iraq under the auspices of NATO.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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