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Demonstrations Continue in Raqqa: SDF Resorting to Live Bullets

Civil sources said that the SDF launched a campaign of raids and arrests in several neighbourhoods, according to Athr Press.
Demonstrations Continue in Raqqa: SDF Resorting to Live Bullets

Demonstrations against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continued for the second consecutive day in the city of Raqqa to demand the execution of one of its leaders after he killed a woman and her child with the intention of theft a week ago. The militias confronted the participants by firing live bullets in the air with the aim of dispersing the participants and launched a campaign of arrests against them. 

Civil sources said that the SDF launched a campaign of raids and arrests in the neighbourhoods of “Al-Meshlab – Rumaila – Haret Al-Bedouin” and took 53 young men to its prisons on charges of “deliberate sabotage.” 

On Sunday, the SDF imposed a curfew in the city of Raqqa, but civilians broke the security restrictions imposed by it to gather in the vicinity of the Juvenile Prison. They demanded the execution of the leader of the Asayish forces of the militias, Haval Jimi, who killed Mrs. Noura al-Ahmad, an eight-month pregnant woman. They killed her eight-year-old daughter while trying to rob their house. 

Curfew and Chasing Demonstrators: SDF Takes Security Measures in Raqqa

While the SDF says it has arrested the aforementioned leader for putting him on trial, tribal sources confirmed information that the militias transferred Jimmy from the city of Raqqa to protect him from the reactions of residents and the victim’s families. 

For the second consecutive day, the SDF continued to impose a security cordon around the Raqqa Central Prison, under the pretext of fear of storming by residents. This came amid information that the SDF leadership is trying to question the intentions of the demonstrators by communicating with the US occupation forces under the pretext that there is a possibility of attacking the prison from the residents with the intention of releasing militants from the terrorist organization ISIS detained inside it, according to a Kurdish source. 

Local media websites said: “Asayish forces prevented hundreds of villagers and rural people from entering the city and participating in the protests.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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