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Government Seizes 1,500 Homes in Aleppo, Sources Reveal Fate of Owners

The head of the Aleppo City Council announced the evacuation of 1500 houses under the pretext that they are "prone to fall", according to Orient Net.
Government Seizes 1,500 Homes in Aleppo, Sources Reveal Fate of Owners

Under the pretext of “fear for the lives of civilians,” of whom hundreds of thousands have been killed and displaced, the Assad regime announced the evacuation of more than 1,500 houses in Aleppo, saying that they are prone to fall. This is not the first time the regime has carried out plans aimed at seizing the remaining civilian property. It is noteworthy that the residents of those houses have been moved to other places (securing alternative housing for them), pending the reconstruction or repair of their homes. Sources have denied that to Orient Net, stressing that this step is only a prelude to the seizure of thousands of other homes. 

Assad Regime’s Property Rights Violations Complicate Return of Displaced Syrians

The head of the Aleppo City Council in the government of the Assad regime, Moad Modalji, announced the evacuation of 1500 houses throughout Aleppo under the pretext that they are “prone to fall” and the transfer of their residents to alternative housing. He pointed at the same time to the continuation of the process of evacuating houses under the pretext of “posing a danger to the lives of civilians” and, in particular, the neighbourhoods of Firdaws and Amiriyah.   

Abandoned military residences 

Confidential sources in Aleppo revealed to Orient Net the name of the “suitable housing” that the Aleppo City Council claimed to provide to those whose homes were evacuated. The sources confirmed that a section of the families was transferred to prefabricated rooms lacking the most basic elements of life on the Aleppo-Airport road. They were earlier military rooms for those who were supervising the roadblocks (Jibrin checkpoint – Neirab checkpoint). The majority were placed in collective housing in containers belonging to the Cotton Foundation in the Ain al-Tal area without specifying the duration of return to their homes. Few, however, chose to go to relatives. 

Lawyer Ahed Nirbani said: “We all know that the preservation and safety of the citizens is the last thing the Assad regime thinks about. The main goal of this step is to seize houses, especially the homes of residents of eastern Aleppo that were once under the control of the opposition. It is practically carrying out a retaliatory plan and a new process of displacement. “


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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