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Pedersen UN Briefing Biased to Syria Government, Says Opposition

Pedersen briefed the UN Security Council on the Syrian issue on August 29th, according to North Press.
Perdersen UN Syria
Pedersen UN Briefing Biased to Syria Government, Says Opposition

Syrian opposition factions said on Friday briefing provided by the UN Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, in Geneva about Syria last week was “biased to the Syrian government and in line with Russian vision.”

On August 29th, the International Security Council held a meeting to discuss the situation in Syria, during which Pedersen, via video, briefed the council on the Syrian issue. 

“We need a political process that moves steadily forward,” he said, stressing that at the present time there is none.

Read Also: Recap: Geneva Meeting to Salvage Syrian Political Process

Pederson added that some challenges prevent implementing the UN Resolution 2254, for a Syrian-led peace process.

The political body of the Syrian opposition National Coalition (SNC) said, in a statement, that Pedersen’s briefing “was taken out of the context of the main mission assigned to him, and included a bias towards the Syrian government, that comes in line with Russia’s vision.”

“Ideas that he presented are far from international resolutions,” the political body added.

On August 30th, the first meeting of the High Negotiations Committee (HNC) in Geneva with UN representatives and countries of the Friends of Syria Group was held to revive the track of political solutions in Syria.

The meeting lasted two days.

In a media note, the U.S. Department of State said the representatives stressed the importance of finding a political solution to the Syrian crisis in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254

Also, they highlighted “the need for free and fair elections, the release of detainees and the creation of safe conditions for the return of refugees.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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