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Iran will do its Utmost to Prevent Military Operations in Northern Syria

Iran will do its utmost to prevent a Turkish "military operation" in Syrian territory, according to al-Watan.
Iran will do its Utmost to Prevent Military Operations in Northern Syria

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian reiterated his country’s opposition to any military action that comes under any justification in Syria. He stressed that Iran will do its utmost to prevent a Turkish “military operation” in Syrian territory and focus on a political solution. 

During a press conference following a session of talks between the Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Syria, Faisal al-Mekdad said that Syria “welcomes any Iranian role.” He explained that any solution leading to Turkey’s withdrawal from Syrian territory and the cessation of its attacks on Syria are positive achievements; we hope that Turkey will comply with them.

“We have confidence in the Islamic Republic of Iran, not others,” he said. 

Abdollahian stressed that relations between Tehran and Damascus are strategic and that Iran did not and will not leave any friendly country alone. He said: The blood of the Syrian and Iranian martyrs mingled during the years of war. We stand with Syria in the face of terrorism and Zionists, as we have mercy on the lives of the Syrian and Iranian martyr resistance, especially the martyr Qassim Soleimani.” 

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“A few days ago I had a visit to Ankara and I spoke there to Turkish officials. I confirmed that the solution lies in a dialogue between security officials in Turkey and Syria, ” he continued. 

“In my conversation with Turkish officials, I understood that the Turks are putting a political solution as a priority for them. Today also, during my visit to Damascus I spoke with Syrian officials and assured them that Iran will make efforts to prevent a military conflict in Syria and focus on a political solution here. We oppose any military action that comes under any justification in Syria. ” 

In response to a question by al-Watan about the possibility that Iran will play the role of mediator between Damascus and Ankara, Abdollahian said: “We have declared our full readiness to provide a political solution and assistance in this area, and we will do our utmost to prevent a military operation and focus on a political solution in this matter. We are optimistic about this, and we seek that both neighboring countries, Syria and Turkey, resolve this through diplomatic means and dialogue.” 

Abdollahian met also with President Bashar al-Assad, who described the strong relationship between the two countries as an “alliance of the will” in the face of Western efforts to dominate the world.   

Abdollahian said that President Assad’s recent visit to Tehran marked a major turning point, and had profound consequences for the relations between the two countries. 

Abdollahian said that the Israeli aggressions constitute one of the aspects of the terrorist war against Syria and seek to destabilize the country. 

He reiterated his country’s firm position in support of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and its rejection of any military action against the Syrian territory. 

The two sides also discussed the Turkish regime’s policies and its threats to launch new aggression against Syria. Assad considered that the Turkish regime attacks Syrian territory whenever the Syrian army advances against terrorist organizations.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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