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Idleb Tensions Rise as Russia Raids Continue

Russia continues its attacks on the de-escalation zone around Idleb, killing 6 civilians since the beginning of the year, according to Asharq al-Awsat.
Russia Idleb Strikes Attack Tensions
Idleb Tensions Rise as Russia Raids Continue

Russia continues its strikes on the de-escalation zones in Idleb, Hama countryside, and Aleppo in northwestern Syria for the fifth day in a row. The air raids killed a civilian and injured six others.

Syrian opposition factions retaliated by attacking Syrian regime positions near contact lines in the Aleppo countryside.

“Russian warplanes continued their raids for the fifth day in a row on separate areas in the countryside of Idleb and Hama with high-explosive missiles that reverberated across the Syrian-Turkish border,” activists in Idleb reported.

Read Also: Will Russia and the Regime Launch a Ground Military Operation in Idleb?

“As a result, a civilian was killed, and six others were wounded. They were taken to hospitals,” they added, reporting on panic that spread among civilians and farmers.

“Owners of cow and poultry farms and areas sheltering displaced people were more afraid as the largest number of air raids targeted animal farms in Idleb countryside and Aleppo,” activists reported, noting that six poultry farms were destroyed.

Adnan al-Omar, a humanitarian activist based in Idleb’s countryside, said that more than 13 Russian air raids were documented on Monday.

The airstrikes targeted towns and farms in the countryside of Idleb and Hama.

“The number of civilians killed as a result of Russian airstrikes on the (de-escalation) area in northwestern Syria, since the beginning of the new year (2022), has risen to six civilians, including a woman, while 17 others, including nine children, were seriously wounded,” said al-Omar.

The Russian escalation and air raids targeting civilians and vital economic facilities have led to a tense military situation between the opposition factions on the one hand and the Syrian regime forces and the militias supporting them on the other hand.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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