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PM Arnous in Deir-ez-Zor: At the Center of Attention

The Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous, started a tour to the Deir-ez-Zor Governorate to discuss services and development projects in the region, the Syria Times writes.
PM Arnous in Deir-ez-Zor: At the Center of Attention
PM Arnous in Deir-ez-Zor: At the Center of Attention

The Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous, started a tour to the Deir-ez-Zor Governorate at the head of a government delegation to acquaint with the progress of work in several services and development projects that are being rehabilitated and the rates of implementation.

The delegation was briefed on the start of the process of planting the wheat crop in the town of al-Abed in the eastern countryside and met some farmers, stressing the continuation of securing the requirements of agricultural products such as fertilizers, seeds, and fuel, and making all efforts to overcome obstacles and difficulties in this field.

The delegation was also briefed on the work in the third sector of government irrigation, which irrigates about 11 thousand hectares of agricultural land, and the measures taken regarding the low level of the Euphrates River.

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He also inspected the project to rehabilitate the old start-up center and the street extending from the Mufti Mosque to the al-Basel roundabout in the city and the stages of implementation, considering that the project is of great importance for the city and the countryside.

The government delegation was also briefed on the works of the project to rehabilitate the Deir-ez-Zor City Council building in the government complex, and the stages of rehabilitation work on the “Seteh Ela Robe” (quarter to six) street.

After that, the delegation was briefed on the rehabilitation works of the al-Baath Bridge located on the small branch of the Euphrates River and the construction of the crossing bridge between the two banks of the Euphrates River near the Suspended Bridge to facilitate the crossing of citizens and agricultural crops, where it was emphasized that all efforts were made to complete the projects according to the specified timeframes.

The delegation also toured the city’s markets to see the reality of the availability of materials there, and visited the electronic citizen service center in the al-Thawra neighborhood, and was briefed on the services and the facilities it provides to citizens.

In a statement to reporters, Engineer Arnous confirmed that this visit, under the directives of President Bashar al-Assad, comes after the great and unparalleled turnout from the people of Deir-ez-Zor to return to the homeland.

The Prime Minister indicated that this visit aims to see the reality of the implemented works and the projects that all government institutions and international organizations are carrying out, and to identify the needs of the people, pointing out that the government has an ambitious plan for the next year, and Deir-ez-Zor will be at the forefront of attention and will be supported by all possible means.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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