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Mikdad in Moscow after Tehran

Faisal Mikdad has held a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and discussed the situation in Syria and future relations writes SANA.
Mikdad in Moscow after Tehran

Foreign and Expatriates Minister Faisal Mikdad confirmed that Syrian-Russian relations advanced in recent years, especially in the domain of combating terrorism and deepening the strategic relations, clarifying that bilateral cooperation will witness more achievements during the upcoming months.

After talks with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, and in a joint press conference in Moscow on Thursday, Mikdad thanked Russia for supporting Syria in its war against terrorism and putting an end to the western arrogance and breaches of the international law, clarifying that some western states impose economic sanctions on other countries in service of political agendas.

He added that the two counties agreed on expanding relations in a way that negate the impacts of the illegitimate western coercive measures.

Mikdad pointed out that the refusal of western states to contribute in the reconstruction process in Syria sent a clear message to terrorists that they should continue their crimes, adding that the biggest interest of US is to try to destroy Syria and that the current US administration has worked on destroying the international stability especially through its withdrawal from a number of international conventions and agreements.

The minister declared that Trump’s proclamation about occupied Syrian Golan is null and violates international legitimacy resolutions.

He added that the most dangerous threat against the work of the Constitutional Committee is the interference of the western countries.

For his part, Lavrov reiterated Russia’s firm stance regarding preserving Syria’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence, asserting that only the Syrian people have the right of self-determination.

“Some countries continue to hinder the search for a solution to the crisis in Syria, and impose economic sanctions on the country in a violation of UN resolutions,” the Russian diplomat added.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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