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Russian-U.S. Foreign Ministers Meeting to be held in August

The meeting will be held in a European country
Russian-U.S. Foreign Ministers Meeting to be held in August

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said on Monday that a Russian-U.S. meeting will be will be held later this month on Syria.


The preparatory meeting will be held at the level of deputy foreign ministers in a European country, Gatilov said, adding that the meeting aims at "setting the time in a bilateral framework on issues concerning holding the international conference on Syria."


In a statement to the Russian Interfax news agency, Gatilov said that he will take part in the meeting, along with a Russia's special presidential representative to the Middle East, Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov. U.S. Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman and U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford will represent the U.S.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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