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Syrian-Iranian Talks Build Momentum

Halqi hailed Iran's diplomatic achievements during his visit to Tehran
Syrian-Iranian Talks Build Momentum

Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi said Iran's achievement on its nuclear file has bolstered the position within the axis of resistance and forced imperialist powers to retreat from their policies of dictates, threats and war.


Halqi was speaking during talks between Syrian and Iranian officials in Tehran on Saturday, chaired by himself and Iranian vice president, Issac Jahangiri. The visit by the Syrian government delegation was designed to boost bilateral relations.


Halqi conveyed Syrian President Bashar Assad's congratulations to the leadership and the people of Iran for the strategic achievements reached at all levels.


He hailed Iran’s diplomatic achievement in settling its nuclear file as "historic".


Halqi reiterated that the age of dictatorial policy is gone, and that new victories were being won also on Syrian land by the Syrian Army in confronting terrorist groups.


For his part, Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council said that it is Iran's duty to stand by the Syrian leadership and people to help stabilize the region.


“Rest assured, Iran will never let you alone. We will support you until achieving the great victory,” he said.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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