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Geneva Should Focus on Combating Terrorism: Moallem

Moallem was meeting with the Indian Acting Assistant Minister of External Affairs
Geneva Should Focus on Combating Terrorism: Moallem

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Walid al-Moallem discussed on Thursday with Indian Acting Assistant Minister of External Affairs, Sandeep Kumar, means of enhancing the bilateral relations and the efforts exerted for holding the international conference on Syria in Geneva.


Moallem said the war was being being launched on Syria by armed groups, who come from over 80 countries.


“Therefore, the Geneva conference should focus on combating terrorism and compelling the countries which are supporting these groups to stop funding, arming and hosting these groups, because ending terrorism in Syria is the basis for the success of any political solution," Moallem said.


Moallem added the unilateral economic measures adopted by the European Union and the U.S. against the Syrian people have aggravated the poor living conditions for Syrians.


Kumar asserted India's commitment to the success of Geneva conference to find a political solution to the crisis in Syria, thanking the Syrian leadership for backing India's desire to take part in the conference.


Translated and edited by the Syrian Observer


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