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Children of Atmeh Refugee Camp Mark Third Anniversary

Festival aimed to remind people of the great uprising that stood against tyranny
Children of Atmeh Refugee Camp Mark Third Anniversary

The Syrian revolution which started in March 2011 in a wave of protests that swept the country against the brutality of Bashar Assad’s regime entered its fourth year on 15 March, 2014.


Also marking three years is the Atmeh refugee camp, located near the Syrian-Turkish border, where refugees commemorated the anniversary with mixed emotions due to their displacement as well as hopes for a return to their homes soon. 


Grass al-Amal, a volunteer team in the camp, chose to celebrate the revolution anniversary and give hope to the displaced.


The festival aimed to remind people of the great uprising that stood against tyranny and broke oppression to reach an era of freedom, according to the organizers.


"The goal of the festival is to deliver the refugees’ voice to the world, put a smile on children's faces, and display a theatrical scene that celebrates the revolution's third year," Abdul Razzaq, the team's director, said.


Abdul Razzaq said the administrators received no financial support and that all donations have been collected from members of the team, adding that preparation's were were carried out by Bassmah Grass Al-Amal, which emanates from the same group.


The festival included theatrical performances for children, raising signs to symbolizing the suffering of the Syrian people in general and children in the camps in particular, in addition to a contest, titled "Who will win the country?”


The team consists of a group of young men and women from Atmeh camp, who took it upon themselves to coordinate the distribution of aid which arrives from friendly countries. 


The team also takes care of a number of needy families in the camp and organizes cultural and educational events every once in a while.


Meanwhile, thousands marched in Western capitals to support the people of Syria as they entered the fourth year of the conflict that has left at least 146,000 dead and spawned the world's largest displaced population. 


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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