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YPG Executes Young Man For Refusing Recruitment

Kurdish forces kill young man, denying family access to his body after refusal to accept forced recruitment in Hassakeh
YPG Executes Young Man For Refusing Recruitment

Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) in the city of Ras al-Ayn in Hassakeh province executed a young man, Mohammed Fouad Alhamdo, on Wednesday.

Local sources said a military patrol of YPG opened fire on Alhamdo in the main street of the city, close to Ahmed Kan coffee house.

The commander of the Units in Ras al-Ayn, Hussein Kocher, refused to provide details about the young man when his family inquired about him. Kocher also refused to hand over his body, denying his knowledge of the incident, with one YPG fighter threatening to kills Alhamdo’s father, according to sources close to the family.

Activist Abu Omar al-Haskkawi said that YPG fighters killed Alhamdo after he refused to volunteer in the Units. Alhamdo was with his brother, Khalid, when he saw the fighters of the Units arresting some young men in order to recruit them. When he refused to be arrested, they shot him immediately, then telling his brother: "stay away from here before we kill you, too".

People's Protection Units have launched a campaign of arrests since Wednesday morning in Ras al-Ayn and at as-Sabbagh checkpoint, north of Hassakeh, targeting young men in particular, as part of the implementation of forceful recruitment under the "Self-defense Law".

Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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