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Tehran Reaffirms Unconditional Support to Syria

Iranian and Syrian representatives meet to discuss means of strategic cooperation to counter regional threats
Tehran Reaffirms Unconditional Support to Syria

Speaker of Iran’s Shura Council Ali Larijani spoke with Syrian Defense Minister Fahd Jassem al-Freij on Wednesday, stressing that Iran will continue to support Syria and provide everything necessary to reaffirm its steadfastness in the face of the unfair war waged against it.

Earlier, Freij and Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani discussed mechanisms of boosting joint action between Iran and Syria to counter regional threats.

The two countries also discussed the improvement of strategic cooperation in various other domains.

Freij, who is heading a military delegation on a visit to Tehran, held a session of official talks on Tuesday with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Dehghan on means of boosting strategic cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

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