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Kurdish Anti-PYD Protests Quelled in Hassakeh

PYD crackdown on peaceful rally in northern province sparks condemnation from Coalition members
Kurdish Anti-PYD Protests Quelled in Hassakeh

Hundreds of young Syrian men have taken to the streets in the town of Malkiya, Hassakeh province, denouncing the practices of the Democratic Union Party (PYD).

Controversial policies include the compulsory recruitment of young men and girls, the abduction of political activists, and the imposition of extremist ideologies in the education curriculum in areas under its control.

The PYD’s security divisions cracked down on the demonstrations, erecting checkpoints manned by its militiamen at the entrances of the town and in its main street. It also cut off communications and prevented media and independent press from reporting on the protests. The Party also organized a counter demonstration of its supporters who were brought in from neighboring villages.

Member of the Coalition's political committee Fouad Alliko condemned the PYD crackdown on the peaceful demonstration, saying it is following in the footsteps of the Assad regime.

Alliko points out that Kurds are the group most affected by the PYD’s practices, which is why they rose up to express their legitimate and just demands. He stressed that denying the Syrian Kurds their legitimate rights violates international humanitarian law and human rights charters.

Moreover, Alliko said the demonstrations lay bare PYD claims about representing and defending the rights of the Kurdish population in the region, adding that the PYD has plans unrelated to the demands of the Kurds or their aspirations.

The Kurdish Youth Movement, which is part of the Kurdish National Council, has accused the PYD’s Asayish forces of kidnapping two of its leaders, Kawa Ismail and Mahmoud Layani. It calls upon the PYD to stop its repressive practices in order to avoid “an explosion of the situation in the area.”

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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