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Army of Conquest Declares General Mobilization of Forces

Islamist alliance responsible for capturing large swathes of Idleb province in March urges rebels to unite under a single command
Army of Conquest Declares General Mobilization of Forces

The Army of Conquest rebel alliance declared general mobilization Tuesday, calling on all rebel factions to boost coordination to deter attacks by Syrian regime, Russian and Iranian forces.

The key rebel group, also known as Jaish al-Fatah, announced all jihadi groups should fight under a single command as the Russian-led assault on northern and western Syria becomes heavier and more brutal.

Russia’s air force in Syria, which consists of around 50 warplanes and helicopters, has carried out around 2,300 sorties in Syria over the last 48 days, Russian military commanders told President Vladimir Putin, Reuters reported.

Rebel factions in the southern countryside of Aleppo said they had killed Sabah al-Falih, a leader of the Iraqi Ansar Allah movement, after targeting his car US-made anti-tank missile, according to ElDorar AlShamia website.

Meanwhile, a Syrian cease fire could be in place within weeks, US Secretary of State John Kerry said Tuesday.

Speaking in an interview with CNN, Kerry said a growing coalition, including Russia and Iran, “gives us an opportunity to perhaps get a cease fire in place within the next three, four, five weeks.”

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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