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Coalition Urges Support for Syrian Rebels in Rural Lattakia

Main political opposition warns the situation on the ground may deteriorate in favor of regime forces if friendly forces fail to support Syrian rebels
Coalition Urges Support for Syrian Rebels in Rural Lattakia

The Syrian National Coalition has called on rebel factions in Lattakia province to mobilize forces and relieve opposition fighters in Mount Turkmen and rural Lattakia, which are facing attack by regime forces supported by Russian air cover.

The Coalition warned the situation on the ground may deteriorate in favor of regime forces and their allied sectarian militias if brotherly and friendly countries fail to support and coordinate with Syrian rebels more effectively. Rebel forces are committed to achieving the rights of the Syrian people and realizing their aspirations.

It also called upon the international community to take the necessary steps to end the Iranian-Russian aggression on the Syrian people and the Free Syrian Army, as well as to force Moscow and Tehran to end their invasion of Syria and completely withdraw their forces. Rural Lattakia, together with the vast majority of the areas targeted by Russian air force, are completely void of any ISIS presence.

The Coalition urged neighboring countries to facilitate the passage of Syrians fleeing the Assad regime's crimes to safe areas. The brutal Russian aerial attacks have not spared the camps of internally displaced people near the border with Turkey, only increasing their suffering. The tragic humanitarian conditions they endure are expected to worsen with the onset of winter and the growing need for tents, means of heating, food and medicine.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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