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PM Urges Investors to Back Syrian Tourism for a Stronger Economy

Halki pushes for revival of popular, religious and coastal tourism while encouraging national investment in the sector
PM Urges Investors to Back Syrian Tourism for a Stronger Economy

Prime Minister Wael al-Halki stressed on Thursday the government’s eagerness to promote the development sectors due to their important role in Syria’s reconstruction process, including enhancing the national economy and the stability of Syrian pound.

Chairing a meeting of the Supreme Council of Tourism, which discussed ways in which to revive Syria’s tourism sector, Halki hailed the efforts of the Council and Tourism Ministry in stimulating tourism inside the country.

The PM affirmed the importance of kick-starting Syria’s popular, religious and coastal tourism while encouraging national investment in the sector to promote Syria’s ravishing natural landscapes and unique historical heritage.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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