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Jaafari: Some Countries Supporting, Protecting Terrorist Groups at UN

States that support terrorism are exploiting the suffering of Syrian people for political gain, top diplomat tells audience at UN
Jaafari: Some Countries Supporting, Protecting Terrorist Groups at UN

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said some states are supporting terrorist organizations in Syria by refusing to place these groups on designated terrorism lists, meanwhile imposing unjust steps against the Syrian people by exploiting their suffering for political gains.

Speaking at a Security Council session on Friday, Jaafari said these states regularly support and protect terrorist organizations at the UN, which was made apparent when certain states refused Russia’s request to include Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement and the Army of Islam on the Security Council’s list of designated terror groups, despite these groups operating in an alliance with Al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front on the ground.

He affirmed that the terrorist organization of the Army of Islam shells civilians in Damascus and Aleppo with rockets daily, while Ahrar al-Sham repeatedly conducts suicide bombings inside Syria, the latest of which targeted the two coastal cities of Jableh and Tartous leaving hundreds of casualties.

The top Syrian diplomat pointed out that some states claim to care for human rights and the Syrian people, making statements as if their concern is the safety, stability, welfare, and interests of the Syrians but their actions on the ground prove otherwise.

He also asserted that claims about the Syrian government preventing humanitarian aid from entering the town of Daraya are baseless, noting that the Syrian government granted the UN 19 agreements to deliver humanitarian aid, but only three of those were carried out.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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