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Regime Airstrikes Kill 33 Civilians in Idleb Province: Activists

Scores now killed as widespread bombing of the northern province nears 100 casualties in three days
Regime Airstrikes Kill 33 Civilians in Idleb Province: Activists

At least 33 civilians were killed on Tuesday in airstrikes in the northern province of Idleb, as the Assad regime and its Russian ally continue to wage a brutal aerial campaign killing around 100 people in three days, local activists said.

Regime strikes hit a marketplace in the village of Kafr Sajnah killing six people, while three others, two women and a child, also died in strikes targeting the towns of Hass, Maarat al-Nasan, Hazano, Zaredna and Maarat al-Numan.

Dozens more civilians were also killed in strikes on Idleb city, Maarat Masrin, Sarmeen, Kafr Sajnah and Hass.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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