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Seif to Meet U.N. Envoy in Geneva to Discuss Political Transition

Coalition president urges international community to back comprehensive cease-fire and an end to all bombardment in Syria, opposition media office reports
Seif to Meet U.N. Envoy in Geneva to Discuss Political Transition

Syrian National Coalition President Riad Seif will meet with the United Nations Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura at the U.N. headquarters in Geneva on Thursday.

Seif and members of the Coalition’s political committee Hadi al-Bahra and Hussam Khalil will discuss the ongoing political process in Geneva with the international envoy.

The president Wednesday said that the Syrian opposition is primarily seeking to reach a political transition to get rid of the decades-long tyrannical rule of the Assad regime.

Seif stressed the need for the United Nations to assume its responsibilities and push toward a comprehensive cease-fire and ensure that all forms of bombardment end across Syria.

Detainees in Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s prisons is one of the most important issues that will be raised during the meeting, Seif said, adding that war crimes are taking place on a daily basis inside the Assad regime's prisons, citing the mounting evidence of such crimes.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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