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Syrian Govt Defends Ghouta Assault at U.N.

Syria's representative to the U.N. accuses the high commissioner for human rights of lies and issuing a politically motivated report, SANA reports
Syrian Govt Defends Ghouta Assault at U.N.

Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala, said that the military operations in the Eastern Ghouta target terrorist groups and have been carried out in compliance with the international humanitarian law.

Responding to accusations made by the U.N. higher commissioner for human rights in his report submitted to the Human Rights Council, Ala said that the higher commissioner is still determined to give himself the right to give lessons to countries, offend them and go far beyond his mandate stipulated in Resolution 48/141 in terms of the necessity of respecting the national sovereignty of states.

Ala said the U.N. official continued to adopt politicized views against certain countries and overlook others relying on considerations that only the Commissioner himself knows.

Ala added that the information presented in the higher commissioner’s briefing on Syria gives a clear example of politically motivated accusations, and sometimes he is found circulating fake allegations that Syria is deliberately targeting civilians in order to deny its right to fight terrorism.

"Despite Syria’s commitment to the daily humanitarian truce, terrorists continue to randomly shell the capital Damascus which necessitates that the Syrian state has to fulfill its duty in dealing with such situation,” said Ala, adding that, in parallel, a secure corridor has  been set up in order to ensure the safe evacuation of civilians willing to leave the Eastern Ghouta and provide them with their needs.

“Those measures, which the high Ccommissioner has criticized in his statement, are the same measures the United Nations usually calls for being implemented in such cases,” Ala said.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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