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Russia Bombs North Homs Countryside as Regime Forces Clash With Rebels

A breakdown in negotiations results in fierce fighting, according to Alsouria Net
Russia Bombs North Homs Countryside as Regime Forces Clash With Rebels


Russian aircraft escalated their bombardment of areas in the northern Homs and southern Hama countrysides, coinciding with clashes on a number of fronts between opposition fighters and regime forces along with Iranian militias, who are trying to advance toward the area’s villages.

According to our correspondent in the Homs countryside, Yaarib al-Dali, the latest escalation comes after the Russians withdrew from a negotiations meeting that was scheduled to be held on Sunday evening with the negotiations committee in the northern Homs and southern Hama countrysides.

The Russians insisted on holding the meeting in regime areas, which was against the agreement with the negotiations committee, which refused to enter the regime’s areas.

Our correspondent added that the Russian aircraft began to carry out air raids on Sunday evening with more than 120 raids by Monday afternoon, as regime forces and Iranian militias continued to advance toward opposition areas, although their attempts ended in failure.

The rebel Homs Countryside Operations Room said that the attacking forces withdrew after 18 fighters were killed and military equipment was destroyed, including Shilka machine guns, adding that the attempts by the regime forces and militias to advance was still ongoing.

In this context, the Jaish al-Tawhid, one of the Homs Countryside Operations Room groups, said in a statement that it had repulsed five attempts to advance by regime forces, backed by Iranian militias with Russian air cover, adding that it had inflicted major losses on the advancing forces.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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