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Damascus: New Phase of Aggression on Syria Has Begun

Foreign Ministry source tells SANA most Israeli missiles were repelled efficiently
Damascus: New Phase of Aggression on Syria Has Begun

The Foreign Ministry affirmed that the Israeli aggression on Syrian territories came within the framework of the aggressive approach of the Zionist entity and in response to the defeat of its tools the terrorist groups.

It targeted with a number of missiles some military sites, where most of the missiles were repelled efficiently by the air defense of the Syrian Arab Army, an official source at the ministry told SANA.

The source said that “the direct aggression of the Zionist entity and its supporters indicates that a new phase of the aggression against Syria has begun with the original enemies after the defeat of the agents,” adding that the Syrian Arab Army will confront them.

The source concluded by saying that the aggressive behavior of the Zionist entity will not succeed in reviving the defeated conspiratorial project in Syria, rather it will only increase tension in the region, which poses a serious threat to international peace and security.

Earlier, a military source said the army’s air defenses shot down tens of Israeli missiles, preventing most of them from reaching their targets, while some managed to hit a number of air defense battalions, radars, and an ammo depot.

SANA’s correspondent said information indicates that the Israeli aggressions targeted air defense battalions and radars in Syria with missiles fired by enemy warplanes from within the occupied territories.

The command of the Lebanese army said that four Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace at the same time as the aggression took place.

Meanwhile, SANA’s correspondent in Quneitra said the Syrian air defenses shot down Israeli missiles over Al-Baath city, adding that prior to that the Israeli enemy fired shells at the city but they didn’t cause any injuries.

The Israeli media reported that occupation authorities instructed settlers in the occupied Syrian Golan to head to shelters.

This aggression took place less than 24 hours after the Syrian air defenses shot down two Israeli missiles over Al-Kisweh area in Damascus countryside.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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