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World Rejects Possible U.S. Strike

Protests have been held across the Americas and elsewhere against U.S. military aggression
World Rejects Possible U.S. Strike

Hundreds of people have protested in New York and Indianapolis against U.S. threats of aggression against Syria.


Protesters waved placards saying "We do not want more wars for companies' benefits", and "Cut down on Pentagon spending not food coupons."


Earlier, hundreds of people protested outside the White House in Washington to express their rejection of U.S military strikes against Syria.


In Canada, a number of Canadian citizens crowded in front of the U.S. consulate in Toronto to protest the potential U.S. strike.


The 'Toronto' newspaper said that the demonstrators gathered outside the U.S. consulate in heavy rain, chanting slogans against U.S. policy and the potential war on Syria.


In Caracas, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Americas (ALBA) expressed renewed solidarity with Syria on Saturday, stressing their rejection of the U.S. threats against military aggression during a meeting organized by the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Relations and the Syrian Embassy in Caracas and NGO's.


The Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America ( OSPAAAL) also held an event in the Cuban capital, Havana, in solidarity with Syria in facing U.S. military aggression.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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