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WFP Aid Convoy Enters Idleb from Regime-held Syria

For the third time in 15 months, a convoy of WFP entered Idleb from areas controlled by the regime, according to Baladi News.
WFP Aid Idleb Regime
WFP Aid Convoy Enters Idleb from Regime-held Syria

Fourteen trucks loaded with relief materials from the World Food Program (WFP) entered Wednesday the province of Idleb, coming from the areas controlled by the Syrian regime forces.

Local sources told Baladi News that the convoy was the third provided by the WFP to enter Idleb from regime areas for the past 15 months.

Read Also: Humanitarian Aid to Syria is Russian Pressure Card in July

In August, the first convoy of humanitarian aid entered the Miznaz crossing in the eastern countryside of Idleb, which is under the control of Syrian regime forces, to the opposition-controlled areas in northwest Syria, consisting of 15 trucks transporting 12,000 food rations.

The second convoy of similar humanitarian aid entered the opposition areas in December, consisting of 14 trucks, through the Tarnabah crossing near the city of Saraqib, east of Idleb.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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